As a business leader do you firstly employ the right people who then shape the company and its success? Or do you firstly identify what you set out to be, and achieve this through the people you go on to hire..? I believe that hiring the right people is critically Read More
Do you care about what your staff think of your business when they leave?
Well you should. It’s a crucial part of the picture that helps you understand what your company is – its ethos, reputation, management style, and culture for instance. You know what you say it is, but do you know what is actually being experienced every day? People who work for Read More
One New Years’ resolution you can promise to do as a business leader
There are hundreds of books on the market that determine the behaviours, traits and skills that set great leaders apart. But which do you believe? Can they all be right? Can you remember all the little things they say you should do or be? Having spent time with different clients Read More
Why is finding the right person for the job so difficult?
…I’ve often heard this asked, even in the current climate, but the simple answer is, because we often don’t put the right effort into knowing what it is we are really looking for… Any business leader knows that who you have working for you is among the most important business Read More